FreeAppReport.com Featured App!
The most efficient way to create and memorize new words, idioms, terms or any other types of information!
Learn the efficient way! Studying for finals? Prepping for the bar exam? Med student? High school student?
Learning a new language? Just feel like learning something new? We got you covered!
We researched the best study techniques out there to design a flash card platform that is easy to use, no matter what youre learning, and no matter where you are in your learning curve. The platform supports text and images, and has multiple viewing options.
Easily import sets of existing flashcards from websites like Quizlet.com (one of the largest flashcard websites featuring over 3 million free sets) and share sets with friends and classmates.
• User-friendly interface with a clean design
• Leitner spaced repetition
• Direct download of cards from Quizlet.com
• Upload your sets to Quizlet.com with API 2.0
• Create your own sets with text, images and audio
• Draw your own images with in-app drawing tool
• Record your own audio with in-app recorder
• Import content easily from websites or photo library
• Use with Microsoft Translation and Online Search to create cards quickly
• Get audio pronunciation of your English words from Wordnik
• Share sets with friends through email
• Edit card size and text size
• Easily back up sets with iTunes or email
• Import CSV files with cards from PC/Mac via iTunes
• iOS8 and iCloud support
• Quizlet 2.0 API support